Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the line with the government’s digital healthcare mission announced the release of an open platform for the national digital health ecosystem in Budget 2022. The platform would hold all the information related to health facilities, healthcare providers, health seekers with unique health identities. This platform will ensure universal access to healthcare. Through this digital platform, it would be easier for people to access affordable healthcare services in times of Covid-19.
The launch of this open platform for the national digital health ecosystem by the government is a great step towards the adoption of digital health services and products. This announcement also promises to empower the Digital Health Mission of India thereby helping people to navigate the best Healthcare system easily.
With a technology-driven and holistic approach, this will offer unique ID to the Indian citizens utilizing this platform and help them to create a repository of clinical establishments and other healthcare information. This is the open platform will also help in monitoring and reporting critical health updates directly to the caregiver and will ensure that the patient is receiving a timely and best diagnosis. The platform also promises to bring in a better set of innovators to strengthen the consumer-centric services on this digital health platform.
Various medical experts and practitioners were of the view that this initiative of the national digital health ecosystem will look forward to the wellbeing of millions of Indian citizens especially in the times of the covid-19 pandemic. This digital health ecosystem will consist of various digital registries of health facilities and health care providers. However, with better mobile connectivity, the adoption of telehealth and other point-of-care diagnostic services will eventually boost.