As per recent report, hundreds and thousands of people might be infected annually through the animals carrying covid-19 virus. Studies also suggest that this has remained the main cause of infection in Southeast Asia and China. An average number of four lakh such infections mainly occur on a yearly basis. Most of such infections go unrecognised as people consider it as mild or with no symptoms. Also, as per reports by Singapore’s Duke-NUS Medical School and EcoHealth Alliance, each spillover specially represents a chance for viral adaptation which might lead to another Covid-like outbreak.
As per Edward Holmes, this is is the first attempt probably for estimating how often people get infected with SARS-related coronavirus, especially from bats. 2 dozens of bat species which can be infected by the covid-19 virus are found in some major parts of Asia which is more than six times larger than the size of Texas. The deemed risk of spillovers can be seen in parts of Myanmar, South China, Vietnam, Laos and Indonesia.